Watching teens has never failed to fascinate me. This trip has added a new dimension to that fascination. The Chinese teens and our teens share as much in common as they don’t. The worrisome thing to me is that the common ground all seems to come from an abundant pre-occupation with American pop-culture. Happily when I see our teens spend extended time together, they seem to move beyond pop. Should we be thankful for our pop-culture’s proliferation around the world that it offers common ground to seed relationships? Or, does the world’s impression of Americans as superficial lovers of reality TV who act like folks in movies undermine our ability to create in-depth relationships? I hope that the Chinese and American teens will stay in-touch so that I can continue to watch to see the answer, if there is one. One thing is for sure—the need for The Light Factory’s media literacy education is critical worldwide. Image has certainly created a powerful idea of what it is to be an American.
hey marcie--i think we're having as much fun watching the trip info online as you're having on the trip!!!! sounds like it's more fabulous than imagined. pleeeeeeze tell ron to blog--we talked to him friday and he said he had written a blog, but blog hadn't been posted===we really would like to see some blogs. Have a great time and thanks for asking ron to go!! :-> nancy saturday,12/6 8:08pm charlotte time
Thanks so much for being there and keeping an eye out for our kids! I am so happy to hear that they are all getting along so well...please tell Stefan Ramos to check his last blog, as family members have posted....and send us more!!!! M. Ramos
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