Thursday, December 4, 2008

Eye opening

This trip has been absolutely eye opening for me. China is so different from what we see in America, but in many ways it is the same. I can’t wait to see more of this fascinating country. It was definitely worth missing two weeks of school to be able to go on this trip.
-Lila Kelso


n wise said...

Hey Lila and everyone else--the trip sounds fabulous!!! It's great following your activities like this!! Tell Ron HEY!! :>) Nancy and Ron Wise

M.Ramos said...

I'm so glad you guys are experiencing this fascinating culture! We back here in the US are keeping up through daily emails, checking the itinerary and reading these blogs. Tell Stefan to speak up....I can't hear him. Love Marcey Ramos (mom) and Benji.

Beth Gregg Mayer said...

Hi All! Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. Wish we were there! Send over more pictures and tell Alex Wolf to blog. I want to hear his comments about the food :) and new friends. Tell him I am sure he is doing his homework whenever he has a free moment and the house is very quiet!!
Be safe on your next flight and enjoy every second.
From Beth and Alex's family