Today we played a game at Baoding Art school to choose our partners for the day. In the rush of the game (somewhat like musical chairs) I picked a boy in a tracksuit and glasses named Jun Yun Fe. At first, I thought I had picked wrong, because of his sporty appearance. I wished I had picked a girl. Later, I was proven how mistaken my first judgement was. Yun Fe was a quiet boy, but a complete gentlemen. He refused to allow me to carry my heavy bag, as he said was common curtesy. He calmly explained all the artwork in his school and taught me how to make dumplings. Later on, we drew caricatures of each other in art class. As the day wore on, I became used to his constant presense right behind me. When it came time to leavc, I gave him a hug, turned my back and walked away. I don’t think he’ll ever know that I cried as I went. In such a short amount of time, he had found a place in my heart. This memory is the most precious souvenior that I’ll bring home with me.
-Jess Rijos
1 comment:
Yes, this memory will change your perspecitve forever and strengthen your faith in the human race as a whole when things are down! Your story touched me so was eye opening as to the difference in the cultures. M. Ramos
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