Wednesday, December 10, 2008

7000 miles away

Here I am, 7000 miles away from home, retreating to my Coke and Cliff bars when I want a taste of home. I miss my friends, my family, and even my convenient Internet access. I’m tired and a little sore, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now. Id be lying if I said I’m not a better person than the Alex from about _____ (I think 9-ish) days ago. I’m glad this trip is film based because it forces me to create my own perspective of the world around me instead of just temporarily storing the “and this temple was built in 1465…” I believe I am respecting the sights more because I am taking notice of their true beauty. I feel accomplished because I have successfully been able to break down the language barrier through pointing and awkward hand motions. We are currently on our way to Lijiang and I am currently getting car sick so ill finish this rambling later.

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